10 Classic Movies People Wrongly Call Overrated

Ignore the hipsters, sometimes great means great.

By Helen Jones /


It’s become disturbingly en vogue lately to claim that classic films - or really any film with quite a few positive reviews and reactions to it - is overrated. Just as hipsters discount anything vaguely mainstream, edgy film buffs complain that well-liked and well-received movies can’t possibly be anything more than over-glorified, overhyped tripe.


Maybe that’s a logical reaction to the fervour that certain films attract. If hordes of people constantly claim a film is simply the best thing cinemagoers will ever see, sometimes that kind of hype can raise expectation to a point that a movie could never live up to. And of course films are subjective – one person’s masterpiece is another person’s mind-numbingly bad failure – and a product of their time in that what may have been ground-breaking years ago seems hackneyed today.

But then there are films that are simply as great as all the hype around them would suggest, and while it’s fine to dislike them, discounting them as overrated and therefore subpar does many great movies a great disservice. Here are ten of those films whose ‘overrated’ status really needs reconsidering.
