10 Classic Movies People Wrongly Call Overrated

10. The Godfather

The Godfather Part III Al Pacino
Paramount Pictures

Yes, we know it insists upon itself, but The Godfather – winner of a record five Golden Globes, a National Film Registry listed movie and a record-breaking box office success – remains one of the American film industry’s best ever outputs.

For some it might be an overly complicated, meandering three-hour long mafia soap opera, but for film buffs with a preference for character-driven dramas and masterful cinematography over quick-fire action scenes it's an epic movie weaving a tale about family and tradition, power and corruption, honour and loyalty and the American dream.

But love or loathe The Godfather, there’s no denying that it’s one of the most influential movies of all time; a film whose enduring legacy is clear from other mob-related dramas like Scorsese’s Goodfellas and The Sopranos to knowing nods from the likes of The Simpsons and Seinfeld.


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