10 Classic Movies Most People Lie About Having Seen

'Fess up.

By Lewis Howse /

We all like to think that we're film experts and have seen our fair share of movies in our time. With YouTube, Netflix and the like it's easy to binge-watch and take in several films a day. Some people are movie addicts and can reel off thousands of titles, scenes and trivia from memory. The movies are a powerful drug, in many respects: they leave people wanting more. Even if you spend your days watching film after film, there are still bound to be gaps in your movie knowledge. - you can't possibly have seen everything. And, on these instances, you may choose to lie about having seen something rather than admit the embarrassing truth. Hell, you may have seen so many films that you're not even sure what you've seen and what you haven't. This is understandable. It turns out a lot of people deliberately tell porkies when asked about whether they've seen classic films or not, according to research carried out by Orange and LOVEFiLM in 2009 and 2011, respectively. So why would somebody lie about seeing a film? Most people want to seem intelligent, knowledgeable or cultured to their friends, so tell the odd white lie when they're asked about a film they haven't seen, but know they should have. It really is embarrassing to admit these knowledge gaps, more than anything. Here are ten classics which, according to research, are the films people most lie about seeing.
