10 DCEU Theories Better Than What's In The Movies

If only the fans were in charge of Warner Bros.' DC Extended Universe...

By Josh Wilding /

Unlike Marvel Studios, Warner Bros. has never really had a firm plan in place for its DC Extended Universe. As a result, they've struggled, and so it's no great surprise that the studio is now focusing more on standalone tales than building to an eventual crossover event.


Things are slowly starting to look up for the DCEU, and due to a still very passionate following, fans are constantly coming up with ideas about where things go next. That includes putting different spins on past events in the hope they will one day lead to something even remotely close to what we're used to seeing in the comic book adventures of these iconic characters.

Some are beyond silly, while others have even proven to be correct. However, given the unreliable nature of this shared world, the vast majority are actually better than what we ended up seeing on the big screen! Those are what we've collected here today for you, and there's still a chance that some of them could pay off in the not too distant future.

These make for fascinating reading, and many will almost certainly make you think twice about what you've seen in the DCEU up until this point. Whatever the future holds in store, though, here's hoping it's at least half as creative as these awesome theories...

10. Why Green Lantern Wasn't In Justice League

There was a lot wrong with Justice League (even before Joss Whedon butchered it with those now infamous reshoots), but Green Lantern's absence remains an infuriating decision. Why Hal Jordan - or John Stewart, for that matter - didn't appear is hard to say, especially as Zack Snyder had more than enough opportunities to make it happen.


Regardless, one very compelling theory shared by fans before Justice League's release pointed to there being a good reason for Green Lantern being M.I.A. from the DCEU.

In the comic books, Hal was possessed by the personification of fear, Parallax, for a time and ended up becoming a deranged villain. While his sanity was ultimately restored, he did some terrible things during that time, and this theory suggested that the League would eventually meet "Parallax" and help restore him to being the heroic Green Lantern.

That would have been fun to see, but we're forced to assume that the bad taste 2011's Green Lantern movie left is why Warner Bros. was perhaps reluctant to bring him back. For what it's worth, Snyder confirmed that the Green Lantern Corps existed in the film's flashbacks, but that was an Easter Egg which never paid off for fans.
