10 DCEU Theories Better Than What's In The Movies

9. Aquaman Saved Clark Kent In Man Of Steel

flashpoint movie
Warner Bros.

When Man of Steel was released, there were no plans in place for a DC Extended Universe. A Superman-related post-credits scene was considered for Green Lantern but never came to fruition, and when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was first announced, Christian Bale was briefly eyed for a return as The Dark Knight to square off with Supes.

That could explain why some fans tried so hard to find connections where there were none.

In the case of Man of Steel, this theory suggested that it was actually Aquaman who "saved" Clark Kent after he fell into the ocean while rescuing the workers on that oil rig. While their first meeting would have taken place off-screen, the idea was that Arthur Curry was the one who brought the future Superman back to shore after he collapsed from exhaustion.

Honestly, it's a pretty awesome suggestion, and revealing this in Justice League (had Superman been the one to track down Aquaman) might have created a fun moment and added a little more depth to the brief history of the DCEU.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.