10 Deleted Scenes Cut From Quentin Tarantino Movies

The most fascinating Tarantino material left on the cutting room floor.

By Jack Pooley /

Quentin Tarantino is unquestionably one of the greatest and most popular filmmakers working today, bringing a level of meticulous polish to his movies that most other directors can only ever dream of.


But like any director, Tarantino toys with his vision on the page and in the editing room long before delivering it to audiences, ensuring that some of his ideas ultimately don't make it onto the big screen.

These 10 scenes across his filmography, whether scrapped before shooting started or painfully deleted during post-production, represent some of the most fascinating work that sadly never made it into the final cut.

While in a few cases we were lucky enough to see the excised scenes turn up on home video, for the most part these scenes are either locked in a studio vault somewhere or, worse still, never went in front of cameras at all.

Though there's not much point faulting Tarantino's decision-making skills as a director, it's still a tremendous agony to fans that these promising scenes were left out of the final cut.

10. How Broomhilda Got To Candyland - Django Unchained

If there's any major character in Django Unchained who feels rather under-served by the material, it's surely Django's (Jamie Foxx) wife Broomhilda von Shaft (Kerry Washington).


And so, it's not terribly surprising that a huge portion of her backstory - amounting to around 20 or 30 minutes - was cut, though sadly Tarantino never actually got around to filming the scenes at all, dropping them during the pre-production stage.

First and foremost, the original script featured extensive flashbacks revealing how Broomhilda ended up in Candyland.

After being separated from Django, she was sold to a young white boy named Scotty Harmony, who was intended to be played by Jonah Hill (but the character was erased after Hill had scheduling conflicts, leading to him being recast as a Klansman).

Though Broomhilda didn't love Scotty, the two got on well enough, until Scotty bet Broomhilda in a card game against Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), leading to Scotty being shot dead after accusing Candie of cheating.

To make matters worse, Broomhilda was then whipped naked through the streets by Candie.

Though Django is already a lengthy sit at 165 minutes, these scenes sound important enough to be a worthwhile inclusion - certainly on the Blu-ray if not the theatrical release.

But alas, Tarantino trimmed them before shooting began.
