10 Most Desirable Girlfriends In Comic Book Movies

Well, a guy can dream, can't he?

By Percival Constantine /

If you€™re a woman in a comic book movie, then the only thing more hazardous to your health than living in a major metropolitan city is drawing the eye of the local superheroes. Once you fall in love with a superhero, that usually leads to a whole host of problems to deal with. We€™re talking about an unavailable partner always making up lame excuses for why he€™s late or missing, staying up nights wondering if he€™ll come home, and being the target of ruthless supervillains who will kidnap you and put your life in jeopardy. There€™s also those awkward chats with his alien ghost dad. The €œdamsel in distress€ trope has existed in centuries of heroic myths, and it€™s continued on into the modern day. Unfortunately, it has also led to some extremely dreadful portrayals of great female characters, some of which we€™ve covered in the past. But this time, we€™re going to flip the lens around and have a look at the other side of the spectrum. This isn€™t about those comic movie girlfriends who make you root for the villain to win, this is about the women who are great characters in their own right and serve as more than just something for the villain to dangle over the hero€™s head...