10 Directors For Star Wars Episode 9

Who will Disney appoint for the all-important franchise capper.

By Jack Pooley /

With J.J. Abrams hard at work shooting Star Wars: Episode VII, the announcement was made last weekend that Looper director Rian Johnson will be directing the follow-up, Episode VIII, and also writing the treatment for the final film in the new trilogy, Episode IX. Though early reports suggested that he would also be directing Episode IX, this turned out to be untrue, and so we're free to speculate on just who George Lucas and Disney will appoint for the all-important franchise capper. Look around online and you'll see that just about everyone has an opinion on this, with suggestions ranging from the reasonable to the flat-out absurd. As such, don't expect to see the likes of Christopher Nolan, David Fincher, Darren Aronofsky, Steven Spielberg and Danny Boyle on our list of potential directors, because for starters they'd all be horribly unsuited for the gig, and secondly, would probably turn it down anyway. We also consciously left Joss Whedon out because, considering he'll likely be directing The Avengers 3 for a 2018 release, it would leave virtually no room to prepare for directing Episode IX, which is believed to be due for a 2019 release. It's for similar scheduling reasons that we also omitted Brad Bird, even though he was initially approached to direct Episode VII and would surely be thought of for Episode IX. What do you make of our picks? Did we miss any filmmakers who would totally knock it out of the park? Let us know in the comments!