10 Disney+ Star Wars Shows That Disney Need To Make

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, but hopefully coming soon to Disney+.

By Rhys McGinley /


Continuing their quest for world domination, Disney will begin rolling out the Disney+ streaming service in the coming months and with that will come content galore.


Spearheading the streaming service will be - along with the plethora of MCU and animated content - the impossibly iconic, when not toxically divisive brainchild of George Lucas; Star Wars.

So far Disney have announced the highly anticipated The Mandalorian show set to release in November, the unnamed Cassian Andor series and the continuation and finale of Dave Filoni's masterpiece series The Clone Wars. That is not a whole lot. Star Wars fans' desire for content is rivalled only by the rampant speculation of what could come next.

Fans need not fear though. The Rise of Skywalker is fast approaching and with no movies coming until the Benioff and Weiss trilogy kicks off in 2022, coupled with the fact D23 is just around the corner, it is safe to assume announcements will be coming sooner rather than later.

Deeply rooted in the mass lore of Star Wars are an array of characters, ideas, locations and moments which all deserve their own exploration. While there are comics and novels used for this purpose this, some deserve more. Disney+ is the perfect home for these explorations into unknown regions to occur and Disney should take note; if they have not already.

10. Obi-Wan Kenobi

There are nineteen years between Revenge Of The Sith and A New Hope. All we know of Obi Wan in this time is what we see of him in Rebels (watch if you have not already because it has phenomenal stuff). So what was he doing for this duration?


Did he merely stay on Tatooine watching over Luke as he grew up like some bearded, partially name changing, guardian angel? That is unlikely. Who did he meet? Where did he go? Did he have many run ins with folk similar to Ponda Baba and Doctor Cornelius Evazan? There are so many questions that have fans frothing at the mouth for answers.

While a movie would be a good way to explore Obi-Wans time between episodes three and four, a TV show, such as a ten episode limited allows for a more fleshed out view of his growth into old Ben.

Ewan McGregor is the perfect age for the role. On top of that he is clearly interested and so are the fans.

Disney need to bring this show into fruition so that Obi-Wan can be greeted with a resounding hello there as he so deserves.
