10 Dumbest Decisions Ever Made By MCU Heroes

So... why did Nick Fury let New York burn??

By Scott Banner /

It should go without saying, but without the being able to rely on the strength of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s heroes, the franchise would have fallen flat on its face. If the likes of Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger had flopped, chances are there never would have been an Infinity War or an Endgame.


As it is however, the big three of Tony Stark, the God of Thunder, and Steve Rogers could all be counted among the most popular movie characters of the last decade.

For all of this popularity however, across the entire MCU board, these heroes are far from perfect.

Saving cities, planets, and universes is their bread and butter, but mistakes have been made throughout the entire franchise. Costly mistakes that seem incredibly dumb on the outside, real head scratchers that make you question if these characters really are the safest hands after all.

From ignoring heavy hitters and losing control of emotions, to egos gone mad and wayward inventions, there has been plenty of stupid to go around the entirety of the Avengers and their allies.

10. Stephen Strange's Erratic Driving

Much like Tony Stark before he became Iron Man, Stephen Strange wasn’t exactly the most likeable man in the world when first introduced to the MCU. He was arrogant, obnoxious, self-obsessed, pretty much the opposite of what you’d expect a superhero to be.


He was also reckless. On his way to the dinner in his honour he was already driving inexplicably fast which was dangerous enough on its own. Then there was the weaving in and out of traffic while going round blind corners, in the dark, in the rain, with a sheer drop just feet away from him.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, he did all this while looking at x-rays, trying to decide which cases to take on. It’s hardly surprising that he suffered the crash that took his hands away from him, but he is lucky it didn’t take more.

While the crash did ultimately set him on the path to mastering the mystic arts, he could have easily died and taken however many innocent lives with him. Though it seemed he was somewhat sobered by his time in Kamar-Taj, he ultimately proved to be just as reckless as ever even after defeating Thanos, more on this later.
