10 Easter Eggs You Didn't Notice In Marvel Phase 2

By Jack Pooley /

If there's one thing you absolutely can't fault the Marvel Cinematic Universe for, its the absurd attention-to-detail paid to just about everything. Even if a character wasn't represented quite as you hoped or the narrative twists and turns weren't to your liking, Kevin Feige and his army of skilled filmmakers have ensured to include a treasure trove of ingeniously hidden easter eggs to keep fans eagerly poring over their Blu-rays time and time again. These easter eggs range from obtuse references to other comic book characters and worlds, to tongue-in-cheek pop-culture references, and also massively unexpected cameo appearances. Some are hidden so well that only the most eagle-eyed and obsessive Marvel fan is likely to find them, so here we've trawled over the first three Phase 2 movies to date, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, to present the most interesting and amusing MCU easter eggs. As a bit of added value, we also combed through the Marvel One-Shot short films Agent Carter (available on the Iron Man 3 Blu-ray) and All Hail the King (on the Thor: The Dark World Blu-ray), as well as the trailers for the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy. Did we miss any of your favourite Phase 2 easter eggs? Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comments!