10 Events That Changed Star Wars Forever

Things could have been so different in Star Wars had a certain hyperdrive not malfunctioned!

By Gareth Morgan /

You honestly never know what decisions, big or small, are going to change your life forever.


One innocent choice to go for an Americano instead of your usual Flat White could potentially set a series of events in motion that lead to you colliding with a bus or finally getting that long-awaited promotion at work. Bear that in mind during your next Starbucks outing...

And the same most certainly applies to the whacky worlds occupying the galaxy far, far away, with a great many sometimes inconsequential or blatantly vital occurrences ultimately paving the way for the Star Wars universe being forever altered for better or worse.

With the small-screen corner of the galaxy only growing by the year, and Lucasfilm set to unleash its latest collection of movie offerings in the not too distant future, too, expect a few more little or large galaxy-altering events to be added to this collection before long.

For now, though, from the call to obliviously sign up to an Imperial Academy, to certain folks just not being all that great at their jobs, it's safe to say the following moments eventually impacted the Star Wars sphere in ways few could've ever possibly imagined at the time.

10. Dooku Witnesses The Senate's Corruption Up Close

The first season of Dave Filoni's animated Tales of the Jedi anthology series finally gave fans a small-screen look at the events that ultimately nudged one of the Prequel Trilogy's most influential figures down a dark path.


During the "Justice" and "Choices" episodes, Dooku comes face-to-face with the corruption that is beginning to infect much of the Republic he, as a Jedi Master, is trying to serve. And when given the choice to simply accept the way things are or attempt to do something about it, Qui-Gon Jinn's master regularly opts to break the rules... sometimes violently.

This then sets the stage for Mace Windu eventually being offered a vacant spot on the Jedi Council instead of the older Dooku, with the former stating that his aggressive methods probably played into the Order's decision.

Count Dooku would soon leave the Jedi behind and conspire with Darth Sidious as the pair created a Separatist movement that would kick off the eventual Emperor's Clone War grand plan. But if the Jedi had just listened to Dooku a little more and not allowed themselves to become the pawns of the Senate he could see them turning into, then perhaps the fateful war could have been avoided altogether.
