10 Exact Moments Horror Movie Villains Knew They’d Lost

Those villains who almost won, only for it to come crashing down at the last moment.

By Andrew Pollard /

When you've watched a good horror movie, certain things will usually keep you coming back for rewatch after rewatch after rewatch. Whether that's a terrifying jumpscare, an iconic score, a particularly fantastic performance, or even some beautiful, pitch-perfect cinematography.


Of course, one thing that makes certain horrors stand out and make them ripe for repeat viewings, is a magnificent villain. Deliver a truly great rogue, and not only will that have horror hounds returning to that film time and time again, but it also obviously opens up the door for sequels, prequels, or whatever the cool thing is at the time.

Despite how we might enjoy certain villains slicing 'n' dicing their way through a slew of victims, there usually comes the inevitable moment when we can draw a breath and relax as the beast of the day has been thwarted. After all of the frenetic, fierce, blood-curdling action, the evil has been stopped - and making it all the better, are those moments where that evil realises it's done for!

So, with that in mind, here are ten such moments where horror movie villains knew they'd lost their battle.

10. What's In A Name? - The Conjuring 2

One of the greatest names in modern horror, James Wan has delivered plenty of classic horror movies, but many will cite the writer/director's first Conjuring picture as his finest work. Not too far behind that film in terms of quality, though, is The Conjuring 2, which introduced audiences to the terrifying demon nun known as Valak.


Throughout that second film, Lorraine Warren is haunted by visions of this creature, having premonitions that it will be responsible for her husband Ed's death. But what Lorraine hadn't spotted - though eagle-eyed audiences did - was the key to destroying this sinister presence.

It's only when the ghostly old man being used by the demon to torment a London family tells Lorraine a riddle, she realises the way to defeat this evil is to utter its name. Of course, throughout the film, small clues are present to hint at this moniker, and eventually Lorraine realises she's known this name all along. In fact, she's even written it in her Bible.

So, during the final act showdown, Lorraine boldly tells this beast that knows its name. With that, Valak responds with a snarl, knowing it's lost this fight and there's nothing it can do about it.
