10 Extremely Brief Movie Characters Who Totally Deserve Spin-Offs

By Shaun Lappin /

So you have your big hitters, your main stars and your show stopping performances in most good films, but let's give them a miss for a few moments and focus on the little guys. The characters who deserve more credit than they get and more importantly, a spin off that showcases their talents more so than their original outing(s) did. Join me as we look at 10 brief characters in film who commanded their original film, didn't get the development they deserve or just weren't in it long enough, but who manage peak audiences interest enough to justify a spin off flick of their own...

10. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - Gordon Cole

David Lynch has a habit of dealing in odd characters that don€™t get too much closure or explanation, that much is given. The greatest moment in his film €˜Fire Walk with Me€™ is the promise that comes with the opening half hour. We are treated to all things loved about Twin Peaks as a TV show; Odd quirky moments supplemented by even stranger characters. All of a sudden, the film spirals into something totally different and unexpected, this simply leaves, for many, a lot to be desired. Perhaps the oddest character to grace this film is the one played by Lynch himself. Billed as Gordon Cole and seen briefly in series 2 of the TV show, his role is a deaf police chief who needs to shout conversations in order to communicate with anyone he meets. The character is apparently based on Lynch€™s own experiences of self amusement €“ according to his own word (and really, you have no reason to doubt his unusual nature) he used to walk into stores speaking at the top of his voice pretending he was deaf as he felt people would treat him differently. An incredibly genius social experiment? Or simply a crazy attention seeking fool? You be the judge€ Creatively speaking, the greatest problem with this character is the questionable role he finds himself in. How would a police officer get himself so high up the chain with such a disability? Maybe he is friends with Bob. Either way, give us more of this guy please Lynch, he is high up on the long list of legendary characters you have crafted.