10 Films (Of Varying Quality) With Halloween Themes For The Spookiest Time Of Year

By K.J. Stewart /

It's that time of year again - the time when ghosts, ghouls, witches and monsters come out to play, when kids trick or treat, when everyone dresses up for spooky-themed parties and when the television broadcasts classic Halloween movies and television episodes. That's right; Halloween is upon us, so what better time to take a look at movies with elements of the eeriest of holidays in them? I'm not just talking about scary movies here, I'm talking about movies that include actual themes of Halloween in them in some way. On that eerie note, here are ten films (of varying quality) with Halloween themes for you to watch at this, the spookiest time of year (note that there will be spoilers for movies here, including some of the lesser known ones)...

Honourable Mention: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

E.T. obviously isn't a horror movie and isn't the kind of film you immediately think of when Halloween is approaching. That said, it does have a very memorable Halloween scene that is worthy of a mention. The movie tells the story of Elliott, a lonely young boy who befriends an extraterrestrial, who is named "E.T." and who is stranded on Earth. Elliott and his siblings help E.T. to return to his home planet while attempting to keep the creature hidden from their mother and the government. The aforementioned Halloween scene takes place on Halloween night, when two of the main characters - Michael and Elliott - dress E.T. as a ghost so they can sneak him out of the house. Whilst walking through crowds of the neighbourhood kids in their costumes, E.T. spots one of them dressed as Yoda from Star Wars. He makes a beeline for the youngster whilst saying "home", giving the impression that E.T. and Star Wars take place in the same universe.