10. Night Of The Demons (1988)

The film tells the story of ten high school seniors having a Halloween party in an isolated and abandoned mortuary called Hull House. On the way to the party, they pass and harass and elderly man who is shown to be carrying apples and razor blades. Their party turns into a nightmare when, after conducting a séance as a party game, they unlock a demon that remains locked in the crematorium. The séance is carried out when the radio they're using dies and, as a result, Helen - one of the first characters we're introduced to - sees a demon's face and her own dead body in the mirror, which causes the mirror to fall and shatter. This prompts a demon to come out of the crematorium furnace and possess one of the main characters - Suzanne. From that point on, the party-goers are picked off one by one in grisly ways and only two characters - Roger and Judy - survive. As they walk home in shock, they pass the elderly man from the start of the movie. The old man enters his house and begins to eat one of his wife's home-made apple pies, which she had made using the apples into which he had stuck razor blades. The razor blades begin cutting through his throat, killing him. The woman kisses his head and says "Happy Halloween dear" whilst casually sipping on her coffee. It is, of course, ridiculous, but great Halloween fun.