10 Fool-Proof Ways To Save The Fantastic Four Franchise

How to solve a problem like the Fantastic Four...

By Rob Leane /

The 2015 Fantastic Four film was a mess. With all the studio meddling, rewrites and reshoots, it doesn€™t even seem fair to call it €˜Josh Trank€™s Fantastic Four.€™ There were a few good ideas in the mix, but in the end the finished product didn€™t feel finished at all. Without a clear sense of stewardship or vision behind the project, the film came out feeling like Mr Fantastic and the rest of Marvel€™s first family had been torn in opposite directions, like an over-used Stretch Armstrong toy. Fox has a tough job ahead of them if they want to steer this franchise back on course. It€™s nearly an impossible task, but if the stars align and the right executives meet the right creative people and bond over a shared vision of where the Fantastic Four franchise should go, the property could yet be saved. After all, Fantastic Four is a short movie. As a result, the canon from the comics hasn€™t been entirely wasted. All the movie really dealt with was the team€™s origins and their first fight with Doctor Doom. From there, it might just be possible for the series to redeem itself, if the powers-that-be sort a few things out.