10 Genuinely Awesome Scenes In Otherwise Awful Movies

By Matt Martindale /

10. Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones - Yoda Vs Count Dooku

Like most people who waited anxiously for their release, I was incredibly disappointed with the Star Wars prequel trilogy and I could probably use this entire article to list my complaints. To save us all the boredom I€™ll just say that they could have been better and that I look forward to episode 7. In one area that my opinion differs from what seems to be the majority, is that I found episode II to be the one that I hated the most. We have all heard the problems recounted over and over again, so I will just limit myself to mentioning boredom and Hayden Christensen. Watching this film was a chore, there were plenty of battles but none of them were particularly interesting. Eventually we arrive at the climactic battle, which suitably underwhelming. Dooku destroys Obi-Wan and Anakin, managing to cut the latter€™s hand off in a call back to The Empire Strikes Back that falls as flat as the rest of the film. Then we finally get a scene that is worth our attention, at last we get to see Yoda cut loose and get his Jedi on. It was something that generations of Star Wars fans had waited to for, the chance to see a youngish Yoda show us what he can do. Say what you want about the prequels preference for CG but this is one time that it came in handy, it was incredible to see this little green guy single handedly wipe the floor with the man who butchered the two heroes of the movie. This one short sequence made clear what was missing from the rest of the film, genuine excitement.