10 Gory Celebrity Movie Deaths

We've handily included a "satisfaction rating" for each kill, as it's fair to say that some of these deaths were rather cathartic experiences indeed.

By Jack Pooley /

If you're a gore-hound, there's a good chance you enjoyed our recent article on the 10 Goriest Deaths In Movie History, which plumbed the depths of some of the most depraved horror movies in search of the gnarliest deaths imaginable. Almost every death on that list, however, featured a mostly no-name actor who is more famous for that grisly demise than anything else in their careers, so what about those rare opportunities where the most good-looking and notable of celebrities end up meeting an unpleasant end? It's not at all surprising that high-profile celebrities can be a bit vain and fiercely protective of their reputation, and as such aren't particularly keen on seeing their faces horribly deformed by gunshot wounds and the like, so when it happens, it tends to make a scene all that more shocking than if it features the slaying of, say, a random, large-breasted model or generic-looking grunt who we have absolutely no connection to whatsoever. In some of these instances, the now high-profile talents decided to get a good pillorying out of the way before they became famous (or the scene made them famous in the first place), while in others they used their well-known public profile to create a death scene we absolutely craved, but there's one consistent element: they all feature famous celebrities being shuffled off their mortal coil in a multitude of messy ways. We've also handily included a "satisfaction rating" for each kill, as it's fair to say that some of these deaths were rather cathartic experiences indeed. Did we miss any of your favourite gory celebrity deaths in movies? Let us know in the comments!