10 Greatest Easter-Themed Horror Movies

The horror genre at its most egg-cellent.

By Helen Jones /

For some reason, Eastertime is a relatively neglected holiday in the horror genre. Maybe it’s because other holidays make more sense to horror filmmakers. Halloween is an obvious choice and there’s a tonne of Yuletide horror movies out there too – Black Christmas, Krampus and Silent Night, Deadly Night to name but a few.


But poor old Easter hardly gets a look in which is kind of perplexing given the zombie-like nature of Jesus’ resurrection is ripe for the picking … if a bit blasphemous.

Yep, the pickings are pretty slim when it comes to Easter-themed horror movies but luckily for What Culture’s horror fans we’ve selected the very best for your perusing pleasure.

Be warned, though: most of these films are very tongue-in-cheek but that’s kind of to be expected when you’re dealing with a holiday that bizarrely combines the resurrection of Jesus with giant bunny rabbits and chocolate eggs. It is a pretty confusing holiday after all.

So while these may not be the best horror movies you’ll ever see, they are the best Easter horrors you’re likely to see … if biblical zombies and killer bunnies aplenty are your thing at least.

10. Critters 2: The Main Course

The killer space porcupines come back for their first sequel in Critters 2: The Main Course when the country folk of Grover’s Bend mistake some rather grotty-looking Krite eggs leftover from the first film for Easter eggs and distribute them throughout the town as part of its annual Easter egg hunt. Didn’t these goddamned bumpkins learn anything from the original Critters?


Apparently not because soon enough a new generation of Krites are hatching and killing people left, right and centre yet again including a dude dressed as the Easter Bunny who rudely interrupts an Easter sermon while being mauled by Critters.

Granted, Critters 2 isn’t the greatest horror out there but it’s all good, silly fun if you don’t take it too seriously. And it’s still a better movie than Critters 3: You Are What They Eat and Critters 4: They’re Invading Your Space … even if that isn’t saying much.
