10 Gross Out Comedy Scenes That Made You Lose Your Lunch

By Hayley May Phillips /

Don€™t you just hate it when you€™re watching a movie and really enjoying it, only for there to be one scene that completely ruins it? You€™re laughing along and thinking "this could be one of my favourite films," until the mood changes and you€™re watching something that makes your stomach churn so much that you wish you hadn€™t eaten all of that popcorn. It could be toilet humour that took it too far, vivid looking vomit, or disgusting bodily fluids that you didn€™t need to see. But all you can think about is... why did they need to show this? And how do I now keep my lunch down? If you€™re squeamish, then look away now. But if you think you have a strong enough stomach, read on to find out the 10 most disgusting comedy scenes...

10. Along Came Polly (2004) €“ The Basketball Game

Reuben Feffer (Ben Stiller) is the kind of man who plays it safe, doesn€™t take risks and likes everything to be clean, tidy and organised. He then meets old school-friend, Polly Prince (Jennifer Aniston) who welcomes him to the world of the unknown; which mostly consists of risk, dirt and stomach aches. In this particular scene, Reuben is having a friendly game of basketball with his best-friend Sandy Lyle (Philip Seymour-Hoffman) and telling him about how he plans on asking out Polly. They€™re partway through the conversation when a couple of men come up and ask if they can join in the game. Reuben politely declines but Sandy butts in and agrees. At a halfway point in the game, a man from the opposing team takes his shirt off. He€™s fat, hairy and covered in sweat, so it€™s no surprise when Reuben asks if he could put it back on. But of course, the man ignores him. So, Reuben spends the next half of the game avoiding the advances of the man€™s sweaty back. He even wipes the residue off the ball when it is passed to him. Reuben asks Sandy if he can swap places with him but Sandy refuses and the game continues. Seconds later, on being passed the ball, the shirtless man jumps up to aim for the basket. As he does so, his sweaty stomach collides with the side of Reuben€™s face. The next shot is in slow motion, as Reuben€™s face slides up and down the man€™s torso. We then hear him howl in sheer terror as he shakes the sweat from his face. It€™s quite an unnecessary scene, as it doesn€™t have any bearing on the actual movie and they could have quite easily cut it. But if you can stomach the idea of another man€™s sweat in your mouth, it can be very funny.