10 Hidden Details In Movie Opening Scenes

What do The Joker, Bane and Ra's Al Ghul all have in common?

By Gareth Morgan /

A film's opening is arguably the most important scene in any film you'll ever watch.


Often a director has to set the tone of their feature, inform the audience where they are and why they're here, and introduce them to characters they've sometimes never met all in the space of a few minutes.

So, you think that would be enough to keep them more than occupied, right?

Well, believe it or not, on top of all those vital opening components filmmakers also find the time to pump easter eggs, secret tricks, cameo appearances and blink-and-you'll-miss-them references into their all important first chapters.

Some of these are so subtle, you probably missed them entirely when you first caught the picture in your local cinema, whereas others are literally staring you right in the face and will likely make you feel a little silly once you realise what they were.

From Marvel Cinematic Universe entries to a galaxy far far away, there's always something new to learn about some of your favourite movies and hopefully these little hidden gems will make you want to rush back and give them one more watch just to check if there's anything else you missed.

10. The Dark Knight - Joker Isn't The Only Villain To Pose As His Own Henchman

At this point, you'd think we'd have pretty much absorbed all the information there is to know about Christopher Nolan's stunning Dark Knight trilogy.


All three films have been studied and revered for what feels like an eternity now, yet one small detail seems to have been overlooked completely throughout all of the entries in the series.

As demonstrated at the start of The Dark Knight, The Joker (Heath Ledger) pretends to be one of his own henchman in order to infiltrate a bank and steal the loot for himself. In doing so he reveals that he was the brains behind the plan all along, yet he wasn't the first or last Batman villain in Nolan's films to do so.

In Batman Begins, Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson) recruits Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) to Ra's Al Ghul's League of Shadows and trains him before later revealing himself to be the actual Ra's Al Ghul later in the film. Also, Bane does a similar thing at the start of The Dark Knight Rises when he pretends to be one of his own followers during his mission to abduct nuclear physicist Dr. Leonid Pavel on a plane.

Three ground-breaking Batman villains with three very similar ways of getting the job done.
