10 Hilariously Awful Pieces Of Movie Merchandise

By Shaun Munro /

Movie merchandise can be a pretty weird enterprise at the best of times; after all, plenty think that if you own even a single action figure from your favourite movie, you're probably stuck in some form of arrested emotional development, where you're more attached to Han Solo than any living, breathing person. Of course, that's not always the case, but there definitely is a stigma attached to movie collectibles for even merchandise that's actually good. What about merchandise that just flat-out sucks, then? For every great bit of merch, there's always going to be some that's woefully misguided and down-right awful. In many of these cases, it seems like the producers were so high on the success of the film that they'd let just about anything slide, and in other cases, well, there is no rationale to explain it whatsoever. Whatever the cause, here are 10 hilariously awful pieces of movie merchandise...

10. The Human Centipede Necklace

When I think of Tom Six's ass-to-mouth masterpiece The Human Centipede, I don't exactly think of lunchboxes, action figures and...necklaces, but the latter of those suggestions actually somehow made it into production, and has even earned approval from some of the cast and crew. As you can observe above, the necklace is a cartoon-style etching of the three poor souls from the first film, conjoined by one long, fused intestine, illustrated here in case you weren't quite sure how it was going to work. Of course, this is a case of merchandise that is resolutely tongue in (butt)cheek - hence it ranking so low on the "hilariously awful" list - but one has to ask, where on Earth would you be comfortable wearing it? Imagine going out on a date and seeing this adorning the girl's neck, staring at you as you try to enjoy your lamb cutlets.