10 Horror Films You Constantly Have To Defend Hating

Sometimes the classics don't deserve the love they get. Martyrs, Wrong Turn & more!

By Amy Rapeer /

Now I can tell already that this list is going to make some people very very angry, so I’m warning you in advance that if you have high blood pressure and overly-passionate opinions on any horror gems then you should look away now, as I fear for your wellbeing.


That being said, maybe we all just need to lighten up a bit - we all have our own opinions and are entitled to them! Unfortunately though, when your opinion goes heavily against the established feelings about a film you tend to get some backlash.

Generally when a film is widely loved and barely criticised, it’s because the piece has plenty of merit. Take the film Hereditary, for example, when was the last time you saw some genuine good-faith criticism of the movie? Chances are you never have, and that’s because it’s a great film.

On the other end of the spectrum though there are certain well-known horrors that seem to be elevated to God-like status just because… they have sort of always been there? At some point we all get so used to a film being praised that we just accept it, and don’t bother thinking critically - and that’s where I’m coming in to burst the bubble. Strap in because we’re about to get controversial.

10. Martyrs

My brother once asked me, “you’re into your horror films aren’t you?” Well yes, I would say so. “Have you seen that quite obscure French indie horror…what’s it called…the one with the religious people and the basement?”


He of course was talking about Martyrs, the incredibly well-known and not at all obscure French horror from circa 2008. For many years now it has been one of the first titles that comes to mind when recommending something to a horror novice. And the movie does have some good unexpected moments, a fair dose of body horror and some pretty decent performances - as well as the added benefit of being an international film which makes you look really cultured and well-rounded.

Nobody is denying that it’s a pretty iconic film and a fair introduction to horror for the uninitiated. That, however, does not mean that you have to like it.

When it comes down to it, the movie offers very little in the way of plot, character development, interesting visuals or meaningful reflection. The only reason it’s as famous as it is is because a girl gets her skin peeled off. If you removed that, nobody would bother - I guarantee you.

It’s not nearly as edgy as the fans like to think it is. Next time you find yourself fighting for your life explaining why it doesn’t impress you, just know you’re not alone.
