10 Horror Films You Constantly Have To Defend Hating
9. Wrong Turn
As soon as you start criticising the horror classics you’re in for a bad time. I can understand that when it comes to stuff like Halloween or The Exorcist - movies that had an undeniable impact on the scene in general - but Wrong Turn sort of doesn’t deserve the same protections.
There are certainly plenty of people who love the original Wrong Turn and have enjoyed its various sequels and reboots, but there are also folks out there who simply don’t get the hype.
If we’re going to be 100% cold and objective for a second here, answer me this: what exactly makes Wrong Turn a good movie? It has barely any plot, it’s very predictable, the acting is terrible and the whole ‘hurr durr mountain men bad’ thing hasn’t aged super well.
In this day and age with so much more on offer from horror, it shouldn’t be controversial to admit that you just don’t have time for boring, subpar oldies.