10 Horror Movie Plots You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

Monsturd - half monster, half... well, you can probably guess.

By Brendan Morrow /

After you watch a lot of horror movies, it's easy to feel like you've seen it all. Look, it's yet another story about a ghost haunting a family who moved into a new house. Cool, it's about a psychotic killer with a tragic backstory who returns to kill all the people who wronged him. Never seen that before!


That's when it's time to take the road less traveled, diving into the deep depths of the horror genre to find some truly bizarre movies that truly are one of a kind. 

What you'll quickly learn is that there is no object that exists that hasn't been made into a horror villain. Just about any kind of creature that could possibly be imagined has had its own film by this point.

Lately, there's been a growing trend for horror directors to embrace this silliness and make B-movies that are intentionally ridiculous and funny, like the Sharknado franchise. That can be amusing and often worth seeing, but it's also fun to check out some movies that are as self-serious as they are ridiculous.

After taking a look at a few of these movies, you'll quickly realise why this road is less traveled. Just remember - they somehow really thought this would be scary.

10. A Possessed Tree Monster - From Hell It came

In From Hell It Came, a weird title considering nothing really comes from hell in the movie, your villain is a cheap looking possessed tree that waddles around killing people. Terrifying, right?


In the beginning of the movie, a man is accused of a crime he didn't commit and executed by having a knife driven into his heart. He's buried in a hollow tree truck, but some nuclear radiation somehow brings him back to life in the form of the tree itself. And for some reason, the knife that was used to kill him is now just permanently sticking out of the tree.

The tree costume looks like something out of a school play, just stumbling along really slowly like whoever's in the costume is having a really hard time moving around. If you're wondering how it actually kills people, well, the first major death of the movie involves the tree picking up a girl and throwing her into some nearby quicksand. Thank God she happened to run into the tree right near a convenient pit of quicksand, huh?

In the end, they're able to kill the tree by shooting it and having the knife jammed further into its heart. Why does that kill him, exactly? Does the tree even have a heart? Being stabbed before killed him, so they just kind of have to stab him again? The film doesn't care.
