10 Horror Movie Scenes Everyone Always Gets Wrong

A Get Out deleted scene confirms that Rose was also under hypnosis.

By Jack Pooley /

One of the many great things about art is the ability to endlessly discuss, debate, and dissect it with others, breaking down the wider meaning and getting to the meat of what a given movie is really about.


But it's also fair to say that a film's meaning can often get away from viewers en masse, who become lost in a surface-level reading which doesn't actually reflect the filmmakers' true intent.

While movies are largely subjective and there's rarely a truly, objectively correct way to read a given film scene, there are certain perceptions of scenes which have more-or-less been proven false.

These 10 movie scenes, for instance, have all been popularly interpreted a particular way, no matter that a closer, more detailed analysis reveals something very different.

Perhaps the filmmakers themselves even clarified the truth for good measure, but that hasn't stopped many remaining fiercely committed to their initial conceptions of these scenes.

As much as your ideas about these 10 movie scenes might be pretty fixed, it's worth considering that you actually might not be looking at the bigger picture...

10. Childs' Breath IS Visible In The Final Scene - The Thing

What Everyone Thinks


John Carpenter's The Thing ends on a deliciously ambiguous note as remaining survivors MacReady (Kurt Russell) and Childs (Keith David) are left to freeze to death, neither sure if the other is in fact the Thing or not.

Many fans have pointed out an apparent "clue" as to the imposter's true identity in the scene, that while MacReady's vaporous breath is extremely noticeable in the air, Childs' isn't.

The implication for many is that Childs' apparent lack of actual breathing identifies him as the Thing.

Why It's Wrong

This is extremely easy to refute if you've got a Blu-ray copy of the movie handy, because the theory evidently emerged from lower-resolution VHS and DVD releases of The Thing.

On the higher-resolution Blu-ray and streaming releases, Childs' breath is faintly noticeable just before he sits down with MacReady, and the lack of much visible vapour in the film's final moments is likely just a technical oversight.
