10 Horror Movie Villains Who Got The Best Revenge

They had it coming...

By James Egan /

The realm of horror is crammed with serial killers, demons, and aliens who slaughter with no rhyme or reason.


Art the Clown, the Deadites, and Pinhead aren't trying to prove anything with their murder sprees - they simply enjoy tearing their victims limb from limb - though there are some who aren't motivated by a primal instinct, but by revenge. Certain antagonists have been wronged to such an extent, they will not rest until their vendetta is settled.

These adversaries' actions may be despicable, but there's a part of viewers that wants them to succeed. If they have been betrayed, beaten, and degraded over and over, it's only fair the people who hurt them get their just desserts. Even if the villain in question is beyond redemption, it's impressive watching them putting time, effort, and passion into their evil scheme.

Now, that's not suggesting these wicked characters are justified. But since they killed their victims with such flair and precision, it's almost impossible not to be wowed. It may be immoral and disgusting, but there's no question these villains got the best possible revenge.

10. Michael Myers - Halloween (2007)

Since his debut, Michael Myers has been perceived as an archetype of pure evil. Seemingly devoid of personality, The Shape acts more like a vessel of chaos, rather than a human being.


However, in the 2007 remake of Halloween, Michael's killing spree is far more understandable (at least in the beginning). For Myers, he was surrounded by so many deplorable scumbags and vicious bullies in his youth, it's easy to see how he was driven to murder.

And nobody deserved Michael's wrath more than his stepdad, Ronnie. Even though this lecherous drunk is dating Michael's mother, Deborah, he shows no respect to her or her family. When he's not busy threatening them with violence or yelling at Michael's baby sister, the scuzzy creep is leering at Deborah's teenage daughter.

When Michael comes home to find Ronnie passed out, he seals him to his chair with duct-tape. Leering over him, Myers slits Ronnie's throat with a butcher knife, causing him to bleed out. Michael stands directly above Ronnie's eyeline, so he knows the boy he tormented day-in and day-out is the person who did him in.
