10 Horror Movies Which Insult Your Intelligence

"I want my money back!"

By James Egan /

It's hard not to laugh while watching an irredeemably awful horror flick. Even though Birdemic and Maximum Overdrive have one-dimensional characters and non-sensical storylines, they're ironically enjoyable. Also, schlocky indies like Chopping Mall and Frankenhooker don't hide the fact they're dumb, so there's no point getting mad about them.


But there are certain features in the genre that managed to rub people the wrong way. By relying on trite ideas and cliched characters, the entries on this list did a fine job at pissing everybody off. What's worse is when the film in question has a fascinating premise or an intriguing mystery, only to botch it with an overdone twist or a non-sensical ending.

If the movie is a part of recognised franchise, it's more frustrating when the filmmakers go out of their way not to give the audience what they want. (Just look at how badly Halloween Ends turned out.)

Just to be clear, there's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a cheesy and brainless horror. However, this dire bunch should be avoided at all costs, since they're utterly devoid of creativity and entertainment. 

10. Imaginary

Jeff Wadlow has a knack for devising unintentionally hilarious horrors, as he showcased with Truth or Dare and Fantasy Island, but Wadlow's Imaginary might be his worst project yet. 


After returning to her old house, Jennifer starts reminiscing about how she played with her imaginary teddy bear, Chauncey, when she was a kid. As she investigates her childhood home, she's baffled to learn Chauncey is real. Not only that, he's a demonic spirit who intends to punish Jennifer for abandoning him.

The concept may be goofy, but it could work if handled by a horror auteur like Robert Eggers or Mike Flanagan. However, with Wadlow at the helm, Imaginary didn't have a chance. 

The film refuses to make a single bold decision, relies on jump scares seen coming a mile away, and spends too long on uninteresting world-building. Also, the scenes depicting people with teddy bear eyes are the epitome of unintentional comedy.

Imaginary is ironically bereft of imagination, to the point where you question why it was made. Unlike Wadlow's other projects, Imaginary isn't so bad it's good, nor is it guilty pleasure bad. It's just bad, plain and simple.
