10 Horror Reboots That Need To Be Green Lit

By William Sterling /

I love Horror films. A lot. Through September and October, if my television is on, chances are you're going to hear a lot of screaming, see a lot of blood, and have a lot of fun. Too many people condemn the genre for being some form of sick escapism, etc. etc., blah, blah, blah. Look, the fact is that Horror movies give us a chance to explore things and go places we'd never normally go, feel fear as we'll likely never feel it, witness things we never want to witness in reality, but are naturally curious about. Plain and simple, deep down, we love to be scared. It gets our blood going and makes us feel jittery and excited while simultaneously terrified and confused. It's called adrenaline and it feels good. Fear releases that chemical and brings something out of us nothing else can. Horror films become our drug. Over the years there have been too many Horror flicks to count. Some great, some good, most bad. But when you leave the theater after a solid Horror film that helped elevate the genre or made you feel as if it was more than just blood, guts, and shrieks, you know you've witnessed something special. A lot of Horror films have done this, many becoming franchises to capitalize on that success as quickly as possible. The only problem with the hasty franchise is that it kills the excitement and importance of the original very quickly. (Think Saw and Paranormal Activity for recent examples.) Given that reboots are all the rage these days, people have started turning to remaking Horror films in order to visit familiar territory and characters that are already permanently ingrained into the public's mind. Jason, Freddy, Leatherface, these guys are never going anywhere. And rightly so, they're cool. But there's a lot of other Horror franchises in serious need of reboot, not because they'd be guaranteed to dominate the box office, but because the lore is so powerful and important that they can continue to scare us despite many of them being decades old characters. Let's hack up the top ten.