10 Huge Movies That Were Instantly Forgotten

When massive films immediately evaporate into the ether.

By Jack Pooley /

Most filmmakers don't simply want to make a great film - they want to make something that's remembered long-term, rather than simply releasing and being near-instantly being confined to the pop-culture trashcan.


Yet with so much Content competing for our attention at any one time across all media, it's little surprise that even gargantuan, mega-budget movies with huge casts and gigantic marketing pushes can end up disappearing from public perception within a few months of release.

And this doesn't merely apply to bad films, either - sometimes even great movies just don't manage to linger on in the minds of audiences once they're over.

Inspired by this recent Reddit thread on the very subject, here are 10 huge movies that were instantly forgotten. 

Despite scoring great reviews, performing well at the box office, and perhaps even winning the biggest award the industry has to offer, these films all dropped off the map in basically record time.

Whether good or not, each film evidently lacked the special sauce necessary to remain present in pop-culture discourse long-term. Simply ask yourself this - when was the last time you had even a vague thought about any of these movies?...

10. Oz The Great & Powerful

Remember when Sam Raimi directed a prequel to The Wizard of Oz starring James Franco, Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams, and Rachel Weisz? No? Neither does anyone else.


The epitome of a nothingburger prequel to a classic movie nobody was asking for, Oz the Great and Powerful certainly wasn't awful, but simply lacked the creative spark or inspired concept necessary to justified its mere existence.

Despite mixed reviews, it grossed almost $500 million worldwide back in 2013, and yet, when was the last time you heard anyone talk about it outside the context of "does anyone remember this movie?"

From Franco's forgettable, lethargic performance as Oz to the cloying, CGI-soaked style, this is a film that was basically made to be forgotten, enough to make you question why Disney thought it was worth spending $215 million on in the first place.

And yet despite its decent commercial performance, Disney never pressed on with a planned sequel, perhaps in part due to how quickly it joined the pile of forgotten blockbuster junk.
