10 Insufferable Films That Must Be April Fool Jokes

The films that made fools of us all.

By Ian Watson /

If you go down to your local multiplex today, you€™ll be reminded of the advice Thumper received from his father: €œIf you can€™t say something nice, don€™t say nothin€™ at all.€ While they should be getting us worked up with white-knuckle tension, blockbusters show more regard for their promotional partners than the audience, with characters running past billboards during dramatic scenes. At least in 1999€™s Mystery Men Captain Amazing was upfront about being sponsored by Pepsi, even wearing their logo on his costume. Some movies are so contemptuous of their audience, in fact, that you can€™t help wondering if someone pulled the trigger on them to prove H L Mencken€™s adage that nobody went broke underestimating the good taste of the American public. From films starring €œinternet sensations€ who register zero onscreen presence, to slapped-together remakes that trade on famous titles, some films are little more than bad jokes made at the audience€™s expense. Interestingly enough, April 1 2016 sees the UK release of the Martyrs remake, whose attempts to sanitize Pascal Laugier€™s original result in an illogical mess that borders on the comical. As movies that leave you feeling like you€™ve been had go, though, it has nothing on the following.