10 Lesser Known Sci-Fi Movies That You Need To See

In a huge genre, don't let these beauties slip under your radar.

By Jacob Simmons /

Science fiction is literally the size of the entire universe.


With an infinite number of planets, timelines, and alternative dimensions to visit, the genre has spawned millions of stories over the years, thousands and thousands of which have received the big screen treatment.

Whilst the core ones are easy to identify - Star Wars, Star Trek, Blade Runner, etc. - that leaves scores of others to pick from. And those are just the ones in your language that received decent advertising.

What about all the smaller movies? The low budget cult classics that are just as enjoyable as any blockbuster? How do you decide which of those to spend your time on?

Well, that's where we come in.

We've rounded up ten less famous sci-fi films for you to get your hands on. Some star famous actors, whilst some have cast lists that you'll have never heard of. Some had a decent budget behind them, whilst some were made using approximately 50 cents and a pack of bubblegum.

Regardless, these pictures are all hidden gems that deserve your time and attention. If you can find out where to watch some of them, that is.

10. Dark Star

John Carpenter is one of cinema's most beloved and respected directors, mainly because he could scare the pants off you at any given moment. His horror works include The Thing, The Fog, and Halloween, but he also helped create Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from New York, and other movies that didn't help fund Kurt Russell's swimming pool.


It all started for JC in 1974 with Dark Star, a sci-fi comedy about the crew of a rapidly deteriorating star ship.

The brave space travellers are out to destroy unstable planets that might threaten the future expansion of mankind, encountering various strange creatures and incidents along way.

There's an alien beach ball in it, that's all you need to know.

Whilst initially dismissed as just a 2001 rip-off, Dark Star has become a cult classic in the years following its release. It's been cited as an inspiration for the Metal Gear Solid franchise, the sitcom Red Dwarf, and the movie Alien. Now that's a range.

Its wacky humour is enough to keep you laughing throughout and it's fascinating to see the early work of a man who would change popular culture forever.
