10 Little-Known Movies That You Must Watch In 2015

Is one of your New Years Resolutions "watch more good movies"? Try these on for size.

By Audrey Fox /

A lot of film lovers reach a certain point whre they've seen so many movies, they start to wonder if there are any films out there they haven't seen that will be a perfect fit for their own particular tastes. They feel like they've searched out all the films that are relevant to their interests, and maybe the only thing left to do is to wait for more movies to be made. But luckily for them, this is pure pessimism talking, because there are a frankly astounding number of hidden gems out there just waiting to be discovered. Independent films, foreign films, old films; the possibilities are virtually limitless. And since people who love movies are always looking for more good ones to watch, it seemed like the right thing to do to give fellow cinephiles a helping hand. These are just a few underrated films that have been floating out in the universe, that just might become new favorites. Before you watch any of the much-anticipated movies that 2015 has to offer (and there are quite a few, from Star Wars to Jurassic World), catch up on some of the older, lesser-known classics that have never quite gotten the attention they deserve. Come the end of 2015, you will be doing yourself a grave disservice if you haven't yet seen these little gems;