10 Major 2014 Films That Will Probably Kill Their Franchise

Ten major films from 2014 that will probably be the final entry in their series.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Aside from forcing expensive technical advancements on consumers (3D, 48fps, Matthew McConaughey's acting ability), there€™s nothing Hollywood loves more than franchises. And it€™s easy to understand why. For all their rallying against how unimaginative the film industry is, audiences never seem happier than with the safety of a familiar story. The general thinking to be why chance your hard earned cash on some unknown when there€™s another Expendables to see; the first two may be rubbish, but at least we know what we€™re getting. It may be stifling when every other release feels like it€™s a sequel, but it€™s yet to stop the box office ticking over. It wasn€™t that long ago when sequels were regarded very differently. Rather than bigger and hopefully better, it was cheaper and hopefully not that much worse. Film series didn€™t escalate to massive payoffs, they fizzled on until they weren€™t worth it. The someone realised it's a lot easier to twist an existing idea than do something original and thus we arrive at the present. As much as everybody seems to love franchises, they€™re not infallible. Some series come to a natural conclusion, while others unexpectedly fail to deliver and become ostracised. Of course, some franchises are fully destructible; even the abhorrent Batman And Robin was cancelled out in eight short years when Batman Begins tumbled in. But today we€™re talking the here and now, looking at ten films from 2014 that will probably be the final entry in their series.