10 Major Cameos To Expect In Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Lord Vader... RISE!

By Simon Gallagher /

If there's anything we should expect from The Force Awakens, it's nostalgia. JJ Abrams might be a very skilled story-teller, but it is arguably his fandom and his handling of the Star Trek revival that pushed him to the front of the queue when it came to choosing a helmer for Episode 7. After all, Disney aren't stupid enough to entirely reinvent the series and cast aside the billions of marketing dollars they can claw in from established fans. Obviously there's a chance to answer some pressing questions from the original trilogy, and the 30 year gap following Return Of The Jedi itself presents opportunities for nostalgia. But the easiest way of baiting the fans and getting disposable audience reactions is to bring back recognisable characters (or drop in familiar faces), and if the rumour mill is anything to go by, JJ Abrams might have gone heavy on that front...

10. Lando Calrissian

Probability? 6/10 Lando is a difficult one to call, frankly. Rumours have been around for some time that Williams will be in some way involved in the new trilogy, and that he's variously attached to Episode 7 or 8. But concrete evidence is hard to come by, and the theorising is seemingly more related to the fact that not including him would be unthinkable than on any real information. Imagine having a new trilogy soaked in so much nostalgia that ignores basically the second coolest cat in the galaxy... Unfeasible. And looking at The Force Awakens as the inevitable exercise in fan-baiting it's going to be (because that's precisely what Abrams did with Star Trek), Lando is exactly the kind of cameo that's likely to happen. Obviously, there's some theorising that he's Finn's father (that's what happens when you build a universe with painfully little diversity), but that would be too on the nose. Maybe he'll just turn up at Han's funeral in Episode VIII...?