10 Major Details Marvel Just Revealed About Thor: Ragnarok

We're on the Highway to Hel!

By Simon Gallagher /


Since Captain America: Civil War was released, Marvel's focus seems to have been on cementing the hype of its newest characters Spider-Man and Black Panther. Both have enjoyed good publicity thanks to casting news (Robert Downey Jr and Michael Keaton for Spidey, Michael B Jordan and Lupita Nyong'o for Panther), and it's fair to say anticipation is high.


But Marvel have far more balls in the air than just those two properties, and the prospect of repairing the Thor franchise with Ragnarok was always going to be a particularly big ask. Though the blonde haired demi-God has proved a huge part of the Avengers movies, The Dark World was a bad misstep, and the series needs some TLC.

Luckily, Marvel have just dumped a load of new information on Taika Waititi's upcoming release, with new cast members, exciting character confirmations and a whole new world of implications.


So what do we now know about the upcoming Thor sequel?

10. Cate Blanchett Is Playing Hela

Marvel/Warner Bros. Pictures

As expected, Blanchett joins as the female lead villain. It had been postulated by some that she would be playing Enchantress, but Hela fits a little better given her previous role in Lord Of The Rings.


Presumably, Hela will join forces with Loki to take control of Asgard and Valhalla (her frequent target in the comics), perhaps with Loki bargaining to increase his powers through Hela's removal of him from the Book Of Hel. That adoption of a key part of the Seige Of Asgard story would certainly fit.

Blanchett is obviously a phenomenally talented actress and having her on board as the villain not only adds diversity, it also gives us a chance of a villain who could actually stand shoulder to shoulder with Loki.
