10 Major Details Marvel Just Revealed About Thor: Ragnarok

9. ...So We're Going To Hel

Thor Hel

Hela obviously means Hel - fundamentally the underworld of Asgard and part of Niffleheim (which sounds decidedly less creepy) - which suggests a number of things.

The biggest is of course death.

Hel isn't the equivalent of the Christian Hell, it is rather a resting place for the dead (some of it is in fact paradise) who are not deemed to have died a heroic death. Those special few are sent to Valhalla on Odin's command (and to Hela's annoyance).

Since Thor's heroism has been assured, only someone else's death, or a perversion of Hela's control would lead the son of Odin to the gates. Perhaps Loki will inspire Hela to lead an army of monsters against Asgard (as she has in the comics), or perhaps Thor's Age Of Ultron vision suggests she will seek to corrupt Asgardians to help lead to war?

Either way, it seems inevitable we'll see the land of the dead in some way.


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