10 Marvel Movie Mistakes DC Will Undoubtedly Repeat

In many respects DC won't learn lessons from Marvel's errors.

By K.J. Stewart /

Movies about Marvel superheroes are some of the most popular in cinema today - in fact, Marvel Studios' own Marvel Cinematic Universe is probably the biggest current movie franchise in Hollywood - but there have undoubtedly been some glaring errors in some of their offerings. DC are currently playing catch-up, with their Warner Brothers-distributed cinematic universe currently only one film (Man of Steel) in to a franchise that will expand massively in the coming years, with movies like Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Shazam and a Justice League movie on the way. With that in mind, you'd expect DC to have learned from Marvel's mistakes and use what they know has been successful and unsuccessful from Marvel's vastly superior number of movies to ensure that their movies don't make the same mistakes - but they probably won't. Indeed, looking ahead, we can already see mistakes in the pipeline and it's inevitable that there will be more - exactly the same ones that Marvel have made, in fact. In this article, we're going to take a look at the upcoming and expanding DC Cinematic Universe and specify the mistakes they are undoubtedly going to make, despite the warnings Marvel's own mistakes will have given them. Here are ten Marvel movie mistakes that DC will undoubtedly repeat...