10 Marvel Villains That Deserve The Joker Film Treatment

Marvel should look to Joker's success and give their own villains a chance at an Oscar-worthy film.

By Nick Dauk /

Joker was a phenomenal piece of cinema. From the cinematography and script to the cast and score, this film is indisputably special. It walked away with two Oscars and gave DC a much-needed win with their fans. One reason why this movie was so great was that — although it was based on a comic book character — it wasn't a comic book movie.


The theatre wasn't filled with only DC fans — audiences who knew the character well sat beside casual moviegoers who typically have zero interest in the DCEU or MCU films. Joker showed that the character could stand along in a grounded film that didn't rely on superpowers and billionaires in capes.

It's time for Marvel to do the same.

With a deep pool of villains to choose from, Marvel has limitless opportunities to pluck a handful out and create their own stand-alone film in whichever genre they choose. Norman Osborn, Wilson Fisk, Erik Lehnsherr, and many other heavy hitters in the Marvel universe could dominate their own films exploring their characters.

10. Mad Jim Jaspers

Mad Jim Jaspers was once a British politician built on an anti-superhero platform, even though he has his own reality-warping powers. His ability to alter reality, coupled with the android he created to destroy the heroes, are too similar to the House of M storyline and mutant-hunting Sentinels.


Instead, a more grounded tale could be told with Jaspers gathering followers in a destructive sect. The concept of superheroes can be used perfectly without actually featuring superheroes.

One of his "miracles" could be the divine gift to see the "demons" who must be removed to protect society, not unlike the movie Frailty. A convincing leader who can perform "miracles", a film blending Fight Club's underground society with Helter Skelter vibes could be a cult classic.
