10 Modern Slasher Horror Movie Villains That Went Unnoticed

These psychos should get more love.

By James Egan /

It goes without saying that Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, and Michael Myers are among the most recognisable antagonists in the horror genre.


But these serial killers have another thing in common - they all starred in slashers. It just goes to show that the hack-and-slash sub-genre has a knack for creating some of the most iconic and terrifying characters in cinema. (Also, murdering someone with a chainsaw while wearing a mask made of human skin tends to leave an impression.)

Even though there have been some standout psychos in more modern slashers, like Art the Clown and Ghostface, there are a couple who deserve a lot more credit.

Over the last decade or so, we've had some unsung villains who are so creepy, they should be in the same league as Jason Voorhees and Pinhead. Due to their terrifying aesthetic, creative mask, or their brutal method of executing their victims, any die-hard horror fan will wonder why they haven't heard of these deranged serial killers sooner.

If you're looking for a modern slasher with a genuinely bone-chilling villain, this lot deserve your attention.

10. Babyface - The Hills Run Red

The Hills Run Red follows a group of film fanatics who are being hunted by the killer from their favourite slasher.


Even though The Hills Run Red is a real by-the-numbers B-movie, horror fans should check it out, purely for the big bad, Babyface. No matter how many times you see this lunatic's doll skull mask, you can't help thinking you'll need to sleep with the lights on for a while.

However, it takes more than a nifty mask to make an iconic serial killer. What helps Babyface come across as more than a run-of-the-mill maniac is how efficient he is at killing. In your average slasher, the villain will hack up about seven or eight victims. But in The Hills Run Red, Babyface racks up a whopping 15 kills.

Unlike Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees, Babyface doesn't have a preference on how his victims meet their end. Through the film, Babyface strangles, slits throats, rips off faces, impales brains with pickaxes, smashes heads with hammers, and dismembers bodies with chainsaws. He finds so many colourful ways to dispose of people, you'd swear he was trying to set a world record.
