10 More Crazy Star Wars Theories That Might Not Be Quite So Crazy

When a theory's so nuts it circles around and becomes logical again.

By Jack Pooley /

There's simply no major franchise that loves theory-crafting more than Star Wars. 


With such a rich, vibrant galaxy of characters, barely an hour goes by without a fan dropping their certainly well-thought-out yet undeniably bonkers two cents on the series' lore.

And while it's easy to laugh at fans and their obsessive, often crackpot ideas about the truth of Star Wars, sometimes an attention-grabbingly crazy fan theory might actually have more juice than you think.

Just because a theory sounds absurd doesn't mean it's untrue, and where these Star Wars fan theories are concerned, each at least commands a closer inspection.

Now, nobody's saying that each of these theories are indisputably 100% true, but there's assuredly more credence to them than a single-line explanation might suggest. 

By digging into the background of the characters and events involved and lending them some real context, it's easier to appreciate how fans have come to subscribe to each of these theories, wacky though they might be.

It's all fun and games of course, but don't be shocked if at least a couple of these theories are officially canonised sooner rather than later...

10. Palpatine Drained Padmé's Life Force To Keep Anakin Alive

Padmé (Natalie Portman) dies in Revenge of the Sith after "losing the will to live" - a head-scratching outcome which has baffled fans ever since the film's release almost 20 years ago.


But fans have managed to put it into perspective through a wild yet shockingly plausible theory, that Padmé really died because Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) was draining her life force in order to sustain a gravely wounded Anakin (Hayden Christensen).

Given that this very film has Palpatine tell Anakin about Darth Plagueis and his ability to stop those he cares about from dying, and Palpatine was his apprentice no less, it absolutely tracks that he would've learned to use the Dark Side of the Force in a similar manner.

Sure, giving Palps the ability to just Force-drain anyone he wants from a vast distance would make him grossly overpowered, but it still makes more sense than Padmé giving up and dying a weird, lousy death because George Lucas remembered she can't be around for the next movies.
