10 More Crazy Star Wars Theories That Might Not Be Quite So Crazy

9. Yoda's Species Is Called The Jedi

Star Wars Snoke

One of the most enduring mysteries in all of Star Wars is the name of Yoda's (Frank Oz) species, which after almost 50 years has still never been officially revealed in any Star Wars media.

But what if Yoda's people are simply called "The Jedi"?

The theory suggests that Yoda's species were actually the first Light Side Force wielders in the galaxy thousands of years ago, and formed the basis of what we now know as the Jedi Order.

Perhaps the most compelling support for this is the fact that every single member of Yoda's species we've met in Star Wars has been Force-sensitive. 

It'd also be a fun subversion of expectations for those who expect Yoda's people to have a more exotic or "alien" name - and ultimately, what could be more fitting than Yoda's people seeding the name for the galaxy's peacekeepers?

Even if it's true, though, this is one quarter of Star Wars lore that's likely to be left vague and mysterious forever more - and honestly, it's probably better that way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.