10 More Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

The truth somehow makes one Longlegs scene even scarier!

By Gareth Morgan /

The general aim of just about every single horror movie you'll ever lay eyes on is to terrify the absolute life out of you. And this can be achieved in a number of ways, of course.


A scary film can chill you to the bone with simmering and agonising tension before the eventual big reveal of a sinister force. It can catch your innocent self completely off-guard with a well-crafted jump scare at some point. Or a particularly brutal attack or kill can leave you wincing or squirming in your seat.

Sometimes, however, as already seen in the prior version of this very list, the truth behind how certain freaky or horrifying moments and sequences came into being on-screen, or the reveal of just how close the actors involved actually were to a rather shocking fate, can make an already disturbing scene even more petrifying in hindsight.

Nightmarish real-life experiences, anything but fake bones, and moments when actors weren't really doing much acting at all are just a few examples of the alarming truths that make these horror scenes right here even scarier to watch.

10. Romanian Ghosts Were Watching The Monitors With The Director During The Corridor Scene - The Nun

Some could argue that there's never really a good time to experience your first-ever supernatural interaction. But in the middle of shooting a rather creepy flick about a demon nun? Poor Corin Hardy.


The director of that 2018 The Conjuring 2 spin-off known as The Nun eventually explained all of this when speaking to Yahoo Movies UK, noting how things got particularly freaky when shooting the spooky Corridor of Crosses scene.

Said sequence sees Taissa Farmiga's Sister Irene wandering down a corridor boasting many a crucifix in the catacombs found underneath a Romanian convent. Sure enough, she eventually bumps into the titular nun (a.k.a. the demon Valek) and things go sideways fast - and the situation Hardy actually found himself in whilst filming this moment only makes this nun encounter even more unsettling.

The director revealed that he found himself in a dark cell room next to the aforementioned corridor, seemingly joined by a number of Romanian crew members sitting down and watching. Thinking nothing of it, he returned to his monitors. But when he turned back around to said "crew members" after getting the take of Farmiga that he wanted, he was shocked to find that no one was there.

The room didn't have any other exits other than the door in front of him. So, Hardy just assumed he'd been chilling with the ghosts of some Romanian soldiers who were once walking around the fortress they were shooting in.

So, there you have it. As Irene was being haunted by a demon in this scene, Hardy was seemingly being haunted by some troops.
