10 More Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

9. Dawn Jeffory-Nelson's Death Scene Almost Traumatised Her In Real-Life - Tourist Trap

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Charles Band Productions

David Schmoeller's 1979 horror movie Tourist Trap focuses on a group of youngsters who decide to check out a roadside museum, one owned by a dude called Mr. Slausen who we eventually learn is fond of throwing on a mask and rubbing plaster on people's faces.

PG fun all around.

But the shooting of that scary moment in particular becomes a little more disturbing once you learn of the very real terror actor Dawn Jeffory-Nelson experienced while filming her notable plaster death scene.

Confessing that the "darned role almost traumatized me!", Jeffory-Nelson - who plays Tina in the film - would tell Entertainment Weekly that she legitimately couldn't get off the table she was tied to with things like ropes and handcuffs. 

That would already be enough to leave the average person feeling a bit freaked out, but this was merely the beginning.

From here, due to so many mannequins being present in this museum set, the crew would often forget that she was a "real" person. She was leaned on and even left on set at one point when the crew rushed off to lunch. Charming!

Jeffory-Nelson did see the funny side at least, and would also reveal that the "plaster" being used on her was actually just mashed potato or whipped cream. 

But still, knowing that the actor was very much restricted on set and genuinely felt extremely vulnerable while filming the moment Mr. Slausen smothered/scared her character to death definitely makes the scene that bit more of a distressing watch.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...