10 More Incredible Horror Movies You’ll Never Watch Again (And Why)

These horrors were great, but never again...

By James Egan /

In many ways, horror is the most rewatchable genre of film. Slashers, found-footage thrillers, and zombie B-movies are often filled with elaborate kills, heart-thumping chases, visceral gore, and mind-blowing reveals. As such, it's satisfying to watch these creepy features time and time again. 


Not only that, films like The Others or The Sixth Sense are crammed with hidden details that make it impossible to get the full experience on a first viewing. And if the picture in question contains a jaw-dropping twist, you'll be compelled to watch it again with friends to see their reaction when the penny drops. 

As our previous 10 Incredible Horror Movies You’ll Never Watch Again (And Why) proved, there are plenty of horrors that aren't likely to be looked at a second time, despite their quality. Although horror veterans tend to be desensitised to bloodshed, certain films are sure to push almost anyone to their breaking point. Some of these entries aren't particularly violent, but the subject matter may be too messed up to sit through more than once. Other films on this list are extremely long, making it hard to justify multiple viewings.

Even though the following ten features are brilliant, you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who bothered to give them a second watch.

10. The Girl Next Door

Based on Jack Ketchum's 1989 novel of the same name, Gregory Wilson's soul-crushing The Girl Next Door revolves around recently orphaned sisters Meg and Susan who've been taken in by their Aunt Ruth. 


Still shaken by her parents' death, Meg hopes to be embraced by her new family. Instead, Ruth and her sons subject Meg to the cruellest torture imaginable. For no real reason, Ruth humiliates and beats her niece, and encourages her children to do the same. The wicked aunt has Meg bound and stripped in the basement, leaving her starved and dehydrated for days on end. Any time Meg behaves defiantly, Ruth takes it out on Meg's disabled sister by spanking her.

Just to prove Ruth's deplorability has no bounds, she invites kids from the neighbourhood to pummel Meg, solely for her own amusement. To ensure Meg doesn't succumb to her injuries, Ruth stops her from bleeding out... by cauterising her wounds with cigarettes.

Though Ruth gets her comeuppance in the end, it isn't as satisfying as it should be, since Meg ultimately dies from malnourishment and internal injuries. And when you learn The Girl Next Door is based on a real-life murder, you'll probably never want to think about it ever again.
