10 More Movie Mistakes That Became Canon

When mistakes just... become part of the plot.

By Jack Pooley /

No movie is perfect, and no movie is free of mistakes, because the sheer scale of any Hollywood production makes it impossible for a film to release without minor issues relating to continuity and so on.


And that's totally fine - all but the most egregious mistakes are ignored or missed outright, and then, some are actually slyly massaged into the tapestry of the film itself, to the extent that they're functionally canon despite not being initially intended.

And so, as a sequel to our previous article on the very subject, here are 10 more movie mistakes that ended up becoming canon.

These 10 mistakes all presented some potential issues for the filmmaker running the ship, but thanks to some quick thinking either on-set or in post-production, they were able to spin a possible negative into an easy positive.

These mistakes all graduated from sure cutting room floor material into a memorable part of the movie, and perhaps even one of its single most iconic moments.

If it somehow isn't clear already, this list really just reaffirms that filmmaking is, above all else, an exercise in high-level problem-solving...

10. The Crowd Goes Mild - A Knight's Tale

Early on in A Knight's Tale, after William (Heath Ledger) wins his first battle under the guise of knight "Sir Ulrich," Geoffrey Chaucer (Paul Bettany) raises his hand in victory and sings his praises, all while the assembled masses don't react, like, at all.


Given that the crowd were hooting and hollering throughout the fight moments ago, it doesn't really make sense that they'd suddenly show no emotion whatsoever for the winner.

And that's because this is a cleverly concealed mistake. A Knight's Tale was shot entirely in Prague, Czech Republic, and so most of the extras were Czech locals without much grasp of English.

And so, when Paul Bettany was speaking his lines, most of the extras had no idea what he was saying, hence their utter lack of a reaction. 

It was only when Mark Addy, who plays their pal Roland, started cheering loudly out of nowhere that the crowd joined in with him.

Impressively, it flows totally organically in the final scene, proving how a mixture of clever editing and actors thinking on their feet can paper over a sure-fire gaffe.
