10 More Movie Mistakes That Became Canon

9. Jack's Slip of the Tongue - Titanic

Rocky Sylvester Stallone

A small but memorable mistake now in James Cameron's Titanic. During the iconic scene where Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) draws a nude Rose (Kate Winslet), Jack trips over his words upon glimpsing a disrobed Rose for the first time.

He directs Rose to lay on "the bed" before hastily correcting himself to "the couch," and while this seems perfectly on-brand for a nervously excited Jack, it wasn't actually part of Cameron's original script.

In the script, he plainly tells Rose to get on the couch, but during filming, a possibly flustered-for-real DiCaprio flubbed the line before quickly correcting himself. 

Yet even a filmmaker as famously perfectionist as Cameron felt that this goof was a perfectly natural addition to the scene, further highlighting Jack's nervousness and the overarching sexual tension of the scene, so he kept it in.

Jack being thrown slightly off-axis by seeing Rose in the buff definitely feels better suited to the story than him simply being unfazed by it, even accepting all those French girls he's sketched in the past.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.