10 Most Annoying Minor Characters In The MCU

They can’t all be Tony Stark.

By Stacey Henley /

The MCU has served up some great characters across its run, and while the likes of Iron Man, Spidey and Captain America tend to get the most plaudits, what makes it so phenomenal is the strength of the supporting cast.


Seeing all those heroes fly through Doctor Strange’s portals would’ve meant very little if we didn’t care about the heroes coming back.

The likes of Wong, Shuri, Luis and Valkyrie are every bit as important to the overall success of the franchise as the big hitters. However, while none of the leading lights have stumbled too much (although Thor took his sweet time getting going), some of the supporting cast have been stinkers.

Not too many of them, but it’s to be expected that with so many characters across so many movies, they won’t all be golden. Sometimes it’s not even down the performance itself, but the fact the script tries to cram them into too small a box, wastes their potential or just makes them so flat it’s irritating.

Other times the jokes, usually so free flowing in the MCU, simply don’t land, and the character just becomes annoying whenever they’re on screen.

10. Odin

Does Odin count as a minor character? This is perhaps a tenuous call, which is why he takes the place at the bottom of the list.


Odin has featured in all three Thor movies to date, though only Ragnarok truly utilised Sir Anthony Hopkins’ awesome talent. The first two movies took themselves far too seriously, and while Hopkins certainly excels in moody, straight-laced drama, the tight reins held him back.

Though he does an able job in both movies, he’s often reduced to shouting loudly as he delivers simple, curt lines. It fits with Odin’s stoic personality, but Hopkins really should’ve been given a script that allowed him to breathe a little more life into the god.

Ragnarok initially sees Hopkins return playing Loki pretending to be Odin, and while this is technically a different character, you see him enjoying himself far more. Obviously the ‘true’ Odin wouldn’t be so goofy, but it wouldn’t have hurt to give us more of this side of Hopkins’ acting in the first two.

For all his dramatic poise, ‘are you Thor, God of Hammers?’ is easily his best line. Odin’s story has a lot of depth and they’ve got a terrific actor, but he’s mostly been wasted.
