10 Most Annoying Minor Characters In The MCU

9. Christine Everhart

Kat Dennings Darcy Thor The Dark World
Marvel Studios

Christine Everhart is just an absolute pain. How poorly written she is might not be immediately noticeable, but once you’ve watched the first Iron Man movie a couple of times, she begins to stand out.

The worst thing about her is that, initially at least, she’s right on the money. She highlights the negative attitude towards Tony Stark as a war monger and womaniser; she’s essentially there to paint him in a negative light and show us the ‘before’ version of the character, seeing as most of the movie focuses on the ‘after’.

However, despite the very negative attitude she succinctly sums up for the audience, she still sleeps with Tony that very night. From that moment on, whatever point the character might have had is gone.

It’s clear the movie doesn’t have a good picture of Happy yet, as he is reduced to deciding if she’s good looking enough to talk to. Pepper, too, is introduced bouncing off Everhart as a much colder version of the character that she would grow into.

The fact Everhart retains her negative attitude from then on feels less like journalistic integrity from here on out and more just a bitter lover scorned.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)